Your Property. Our Priority.

Lawn Care – Late Fall Application

Late Fall Winterizer Fertilization

What was done:

Today we applied a granular fertilizer application to your lawn.  The Granular fertilizer will roll off any leaf cover to reach the turf below.  This fertilization is the most important of the season because, at this time of year, the nutrients move down in the plant and benefit the root system.

People & Pets can go on the Lawn at anytime after this Organic-Based Fertilizer was applied.

Why this application is important: 

This fertilization will do the following:

  • Encourage healthy root development in turf. As the temperatures drop, the top part of the grass plant (the blades) will not grow as fast.  However, the roots continue to grow and are therefore able to use more of the nutrients.  This will result in a healthier lawn that will look better and have fewer problems.
  • Help the grass plant to accumulate carbohydrates. Grass lives off its carbohydrate reserves over the winter and these reserves help the turf resist winter injury and disease.
  • Promote an early and healthy spring green-up without contributing to spring “surge growth”.


What you can do to benefit most from today’s visit:

Mowing should be done as long as your lawn continues to grow.  This may be well into November.  Mowing height should be 3 to 3 ½ inches.  Lowering your mower may result in winter desiccation, and leaving your lawn too high through the winter may result in a smothering of turf and increase incidence of winter turf disease (Snow Mold) and attract mice.

Please be certain to routinely remove LEAVES from your lawn.  If leaves are allowed to remain on the lawn for an extended period they will eventually smother and kill turf.


Fall Lime

Now is the time to consider liming your yard.  Regular liming can improve your lawn’s color, help to discourage certain weeds from growing in the lawn, and help to break down harmful thatch build-up.  Please call to schedule this application, if you haven’t already.


 You are free to go on the lawn after the material has dried, which can take up to two hours depending on weather conditions.  Small children and pets should remain off the lawn until the material has dried.

All of our programs are based on the principles of  Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which is an environmentally friendly and effective approach to controlling damaging insects, diseases and invasive plants. For more information about IPM click here.